Hi, I’m Kelsey-Ann Janae!

Maybe you are looking to change up how you fuel your body, or wanting to explore new ways to move and connect with your inner self. Whatever it is, you are choosing to invest in yourself and your well-being and that is SO exciting!

In today’s society it is so easy to get caught up in the “hustle”. We spend so much time trying to be something instead of just being. By eliminating the things that no longer serve us, we have more time to enjoy the full expression of the things that light us up.

I am Kelsey-Ann Janae, a wife and mom to two wonderful humans (just a couple of the many hats I wear). My journey to find whole wellness has been a life long journey and one that will continue on for the rest of my life. I firmly believe that because we are living, breathing and growing organisms, our journey to health and wellness doesn’t reach completion. Instead, we find new levels of being throughout our existence as our circumstances and understanding of life expands. In my spare time you can find me outside in nature enjoying all it has to offer or binging the latest TV show. Holding space is something I have always intuitively done for those around me and through-out my training I have honed this gift. I am passionate about helping women connect with their bodies in a world that is heavily designed for mens health. Helping women harness the benefits of tracking our cycles and eating in a way that nourishes our hormones all while honouring our own unique bodies is my goal. I am a certified postpartum doula, registered 200 hr yoga teacher and a holistic health coach. I am a forever student of life and am beyond excited to share all that I have discovered with my clients, while learning + growing together with this community.

Thank you for stopping by — I hope to hear from you soon!

My Approach


It all begins with you. In the beginning we enter this world in complete alignment with our authentic self. As time moves on and life happens (as it inevitably does) we sometimes start to shift and morph into ways that aren’t true to us. My goal is not to create “more” for you to do, but instead practice the art of letting go and embrace a more simple way of life.


Dream it

We are powerful beings. Our mind space as well as our physical bodies are what create our experience here on earth. Being intentional with what we bring into our lives, is the key to unlocking a life full of ease.

Back to basics

The foundations of our essence are built by the food we eat, what we think as well as how we interact with our body. By leaving all of the extras and not engaging with the “should’s” we are able to discover what uniquely makes us, us.